Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Gordon Brown will make serious error of imprudence if he wastes £Billions of public miney in funding a 2nd Millennium Dome many times over - Xrail

AADHIKARonline The 3rd Edn 2155 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 13 March 2007
Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign

Summarised version of the AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer at 1210 Hrs GMT on Sunday 25 February 20007

This material is published on a purely non-profit, non-commercial, internationally humanitarian and educational basis. The cost of production including the transferable costs, are all borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR Media Foundation, based in London. The full texts of the current legal disclaimer is available by request from


For the purpose of alerting visitors to the Aadhikar Media Foundation sites and pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1210 Hrs GMT on Sunday 25 February 2007
AADHIKAROnline and these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! the CAMPAIGN AGAINST the CrossRail hole project plan scheme scam Bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail Bill’, currently a draft piece of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely as an educational and information resource originally researched authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified other writer and or Author. NOT For inclusion in any commercial package whatever. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any type of academic operation, task or production. Not For inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, pro-racist, colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or operation. ALL materials published from London UK by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any associated websites remain the intellectual and moral creation and property of the creating author/s and Editor.
AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edn 2145 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 13 March 2007
Khoodeelaar ! No to CrossRail campaign continues to expose the crassness and the stupidity of the Crossrail hole plot pluggers
The Muhammad Haque economic commentary: 2145 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 13 March 2007 Yet another exhibit in the mountain of evidence of crassness, illogicality, unconstitutionality, illegality, greed, corruption and utter, utter contempt for common sense on the part of the pluggers of the CRASSrail hole plot… First they stage a stunt by taking advantage of the insanity at the Tony Blair No 10 Downing Street, then they claim that [the alleged merit of their] CRASSrail plot is beyond question.. then they repeat the lie that it will bring until benefits and they do all this to conclude, in a brazen act of illogicality so typical of the crass pluggers of the CRASSrail plot, that BUT financing it is still a problem! How dare they! If the CRASSrail is so full of beneficial potential for the ordinary people how come that there is no funding for it! The truth is that deep down, every genuine observer of the transport mess knows that the mess is not capable of resolution by their having a CRASSLY conceived sub-sub-sub solution of a sub part of the giant mess.. And even the totally reliable Rightwing Capitalists [represented most recently on the CRASSrail by Eddington who resoundingly failed to endorse it in the main body of his report] know that the CRASSrail hole plot is a disastrous one.. It is, has been and remains ill conceived, has been ill designed, has been imposed on parts of the economy that can ill afford it.. and is a zig zag mass of a problems that will ADD to the existing problems of transport, not solve them…. That is why there is no rush even from its alleged backers, to find the money.. Other than by aiming for the UK Treasury which alone can fund it… The question is .. Can Gordon Brown afford another Millennium Disaster 20 times over? Which is what the CRASSrail hole plot is bound to become?
2. Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme
3. Khoodeelaar! Breaking news against Crossrail hole plotters

AADHIKARonline The 10th Edn 2225 Hrs GMT London Monday 12 March 2007

Khoodeelaar! Quoting No 10 Downing Street [UK Prime Minister’s official address] web site texts on Monday 12 March 2007 about the lying stunt staged at No 10 Downing Street by the pluggers for the CRASSrail hole plot [PMOS is short for ‘Prime Minister’s Official Spokesperson]

“Asked if Crossrail was seen as part of the green agenda, and did anything come out of the Prime Minister's meeting last week about it, the PMOS replied that as we had said at the time, the talks were primarily designed to inject new momentum into the discussions. That was why we had brought together representatives of business, local authorities and the agencies involved. We would therefore see what came of it.”
Khoodeelaar! UNQuoting No 10 Downing Street [UK Prime Minister’s official address] web site texts on Monday 12 March 2007 about the lying stunt staged at No 10 Downing Street by the pluggers for the Crassrail hole plot

Khoodeelaar! has already published original news reports on the stunt. Further comments on and response to the quoted texts will appear shortly

AADHIKARonline The 9th Edn 1430 Hrs GMT London Monday 12 March 2007

Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CRASS role Ken Lyingstone, Crassrail Tower Hamlets Council corrupt clique, CRASSrail hole plot backers against the community - The implications for Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area of the battle of Kings Cross against the undevelopers - coming here shortly

AADHIKARonline The 6th Edn 1020 Hrs GMT London Monday 12 March 2007
What George Galloway’s 'RESPECT' Party had claimed to stand for in opposition to CrossRail hole attacks on the East End
Khoodeelaar QUOTE George Galloway MP’s assistant Rob Hoveman, writing to Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque on Sunday 29 January 2006.
This quoted communication has been subjected to minimal editing – mainly to correct some typing errors that were in Mr Hoveman's original as sent to [and as received by] Khoodeelaar!. All the contents have otherwise been left unaltered.

“Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 10:10:01 +0000 From: "Respect - the Unity Coalition" View Contact Details To: bricklanekhoodeelaar@yahoo.co.uk Subject: respect party's position on crossrail Dear Muhammad Haque, [This surname has been corrected]
My apologies if there has been a delay in this response from the Respect Party with reference to our position on Crossrail. Our position has been repeatedly stated in our literature and on our website and most recently in the TV discussion on STV's Reality with Mahee on Thursday. I hope the position outlined below clarifies the position.

1) The first and most important aspect of our position on Crossrail is that there must be no intervention shaft in Hanbury Street or anywhere in Tower Hamlets. We believe it is quite unnecessary as the rail line can technically be built with end to end tunnelling, particularly if the link to Whitechapel station is abandoned. Whitechapel station has planned refurbishment by LUL in 2009 and there is no need for a Crossrail link to Whitechapel. Were we to take control of the council in May we will tear up any agreement written or verbal made by the current council and use all the resources at our disposal to inform the people who live and work in Tower Hamlets of the threat Crossrail poses and to block those proposals.

2) We are sceptical of some of the claims made for Crossrail. We are in favour of improved public transport but this is an extraordinarily expensive project, even before cost begin to rise, as they always do, once the project actually starts. The funding for this project is still not in place. More importantly, the council and Crossrail's claims for community and work benefit have not been established. We simply do not believe these claims and fear that Crossrail as currently envisaged is part of the attempt to drive the City East, Canary Wharf north, and the resident community out of Tower Hamlets and particularly out of the areas where the Bangladeshi community primarily lives and works. In that respect we see it as part of a bigger plan in pursuit of this project which the current council is signed up to.

3) Our total opposition to the intervention shaft and our scepticism over the Crossrail project as it currently exists are why George Galloway spoke against the bill on its second reading last July when the principle of the bill was debated and voted on, and he was one of only 24 MPs to vote against it. The bill, which threatens to devastate Bangla Town, has the full backing of the government and was unfortunately voted for by a majority of New Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem MPs. George Galloway has entered his own petition against the bill and is supporting the petitions of a number of campaigning groups in Tower Hamlets. These are due to be heard by the Select Committee on the bill in the next few weeks and months. He is not allowed to be a member of this Select Committee as its function is quasi-judicial and no MP with an 'interest' in the bill can be on the committee. If the bill is not changed and the shaft is given legal authority, the blame for this will lie squarely with Tony Blair and the New Labour government.

4) We are very disappointed that the New Labour council failed to publicise the threat to Tower Hamlets years ago when it became apparent to all who studied the issue. Instead the Cabinet endorsed the project in principle in October 2004 and merely raised the possibility of the shaft being relocated to Woodseer Street instead of Hanbury Street. This was a dereliction of duty in our opinion and they also bear responsibility for the threat that Crossrail still presents to Tower Hamlets.

5) However we want to work with everyone who wants oppose the Crossrail Bill and in particualr the intervention shaft, whether they come from other political parties or none. The council's stunt of going to the Commons to raise the Crossrail Bill a couple of weeks ago was clearly motivated by the desire to get party political advantage against George Galloway and Respect, despite the fact we have consistently raised out total opposition to the shaft over the last year or more. However we are very pleased that this has raised awareness of the threat more broadly in Tower Hamlets. We are keen to see and support community initiatives against the bill. We must use the petitioning process either to persuade the committee to dump the shaft or to delay progress of the bill, which could achieve the same thing. But we also want to help promote petitioning initiatives and help build and participate in whatever meetings may be called over the issue. We must also look forward to building demonstrations, including demonstrations we should take to parliament. If the Labour Council can go to protest at parliament as a stunt, so the people of Tower Hamlets must have the right to protest at parliament against a bill which threatens us all. Finally, we must be prepared to take non-violent direct action to stop Crossrail if we do not succeed in parliament. If enough people physically act to prevent the digging, they will not be able to dig and the threat of non-violent direct action itself will strengthen the case against the shaft in parliament.

This is a brief outline of our position and we would be delighted to elaborate on this by email or in the discussions George Galloway has with you tomorrow.

With best wishes,

Rob Hoveman, Assistant to George Galloway MP ” Khoodeelaar UNQUOTE George Galloway MP’s assistant Rob Hoveman, writing to Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque on Sunday 29 January 2006.
AADHIKARonline The 4th Edn 0940 Hrs GMT London Monday 12 March 2007
The strange silence of ‘local MP’ George Galloway

The search engine ‘Google’ yielded the following result at 0910 Hrs GMT on Monday 12 March 2007 to the question ‘George Galloway MP’ about ‘Crossrail’ “Your search - "George Galloway MP"+"Crossrail" - did not match any documents.”
Given that last week, Ken Livingstone, the Crossrail hole plot-peddling, lying mayor of London who has been the main tout on Crossrail for Big Business and the City of London interests staged another dire stunt with Blair at No 10 Downing street [and in the nearby area where paid for Business agents were parading strictly Business interest festoons and placards for CRASSrail to go with the promotion] did so following, by a month or so, the Khoodeelaar! formal deputation to No 1`0 Downing Street demanding the scrapping of the Crossrail hole plot against the East End, the ‘local MP' George Galloway would have been expected to have featured in some activity on the issue!
Given also the fact that while Khoodeelaar! maintains the mobilisation against the CRASSrail plot, certain individual groups in the area, allied with Khoodeelaar! have kept up their formal presentations against the Crossrail hole plot to the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’ in the UK House of Commons, it would have been expected that as the ‘local MP’ George Galloway would have played at least a consistent part in support of that activity.
Given that the ‘select committee’ is chaired by Alan Meale – before whom Galloway presented his own ‘arguments’ in support of his own ‘petition against the Crossrail hole’ in June 2006, it would have been expected that he, Galloway, would have shown at least some care and concern as to whether he was acting as if none of the statements against the Crossrail hole plot that he had made were meant to be taken seriously at all.
It looks as if Galloway has decided that he is ‘better off’ not continuing to state in parliament or in the constituency any more opposition to Crossrail plot. If he has decided along that line, he has not said so in the constituency. Most certainly not to Khoodeelaar! Not to the other active groups – who are part of the Khoodeelaar movement against the Crossrail hole plot. So, is Galloway’s failure a failure? Or is it a calculated business strategy that his other ‘friend’, London mayor Ken Lyingstill Livingstone, has shown him would be worth his political and related business while? In accordance with the standard of ethics and transparency that the Khoodeelaar! movement abides by, we have given ample opportunity to Galloway to explain his silence. He has remained silent on why he has not spoken against Crossrail in the House of Commons [or in the Constituency] over so many particular incidents relating to Crossrail that have taken place since he last made any statement about the subject.
[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline The 1st Edn 0850 Hrs GMT London Monday 12 March 2007
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London: The evidence of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign – the arguments, the ‘support’, the ‘commitments’ – review of some key ‘contributions’ to the scenario of the campaign so far
1. What ‘local MP’ George Galloway said about Khoodeelaar!
2. What the ‘local MP George Galloway’s assistant Rob Hoveman said to Khoodeelaar!’
3. What ‘Opposition Councillor’ Abjol Miah said to Khoodeelaar! About his [Abjol Miah’s] intentions to support the campaign against CrossRail within and on Tower Hamlets Council]
4. What ‘local MP George Galloway’s business associate Ron McKay said to Khoodeelaar’ on the question of the ‘RESPECT’ group’s being compromised by association with crooks in the Brick Lane London E1 Area
5. Breaking news

The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary – what does this say to the world about the BBC’s ‘moral standards’ when the poisonous lying BBC time-server Andrew Marr stops Kate Adie from developing the arguments against corrupt councillors, corrupt politicians in the wake of the Cash for pee-er-ages [!] scandal and precedents? How could there be anything MORE Important, let alone VERY important, as compared to the open brazen corruption of society by the occupant at No 10 Downing Street?

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole-backing ‘candidates’ – the Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ at the next London ‘mayor election’, Greater London Assembly elections and the Parliamentary elections, against Crossrail hole

1. Khoodeelaar! Record of exposing ALL Crossrail hole plot liars, their touts and their agents - a summary
2. Khoodeelaar! Questionnaire for Crossrail hole plotter London mayor Livingstone - updated
3. Khoodeelaar! Questions to Crossrail hole ‘minister’ Douglas Alexander
4. Breaking news and updates